Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in economic and social development through our Viewpoint series, and our latest published reports. Our older Viewpoint ‘thought piece’ publications are available from the archive.

June 2021
Council England and VisitEngland have been working with local partnerships for several years to help them to create effective alliances and practical actions to improve the cultural visitor experience. The second phase of the programme invested £4.2 million between April 2017 and January 2021 and supported eighteen local partner consortiums. SQW has evaluated both phases of the Cultural Destinations programme.

June 2021
Improving practice through educational research is at the heart of the Education and Training Foundation sponsored Practitioner Research Programme which aims to support further professionalisation of the Further Education workforce. Our evaluation of the programme between 2018 and 2020 has been published.

June 2021
The Education and Training Foundation’s role is to design, develop and deliver Continuing Professional Development for teachers, leaders, and trainers. SQW's independent review of ETF’s impact in 2019-2020 has now been published.

June 2021
There are over 350 careers in the NHS. Given this scale, how can some of the smaller and less well-known professions attract students to study to enter their profession? This is the question that the Office for Students’ Strategic Interventions in Health Education Disciplines programme has worked on since September 2018. Our evaluation report has now been published.

May 2021
Homes England commissioned SQW, supported by the King’s Fund Library Service, to undertake a rapid evidence scoping review to understand the impact of housing accessibility on generating positive health outcomes.

May 2021
The Ipswich Opportunity Area Workforce Development Programme provided funding to educational settings in Ipswich to access professional development and was intended to encourage networking, peer support, and the sharing of learning between educational settings across all phases. SQW's independent evaluation has now been published.