Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in economic and social development through our Viewpoint series, and our latest published reports. Our older Viewpoint ‘thought piece’ publications are available from the archive.

October 2021
Our study to assess the future skills needs of the Foundation Industries led to the development of an Action Plan, designed to address four themes: raising awareness of Net Zero and demand for skills; developing management and leadership; improving skills provision; and improving sector attractiveness
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September 2021
Health Education England’s Advancing Dental Care (ADC) Review Report is the culmination of a three-year review to identify and develop a future dental education and training infrastructure. SQW's independent evaluation of ADC innovative training initiatives was published by HEE alongside the ADC Review Report.
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September 2021
As part of the Productivity Insights Network, we looked at how low carbon effects and productivity effects are assessed for low carbon innovation programmes – and the extent of linkages across the two.
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September 2021
A wealth of studies have shown the positive effects of interventions to improve communication between clinicians and patients, revealing that effective patient/clinician communication can improve patients’ experiences and health outcomes. Our systematic review of this international literature has been published by NHS England.
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September 2021
The productivity performance of SMEs during the pandemic is a topic on which relatively little is known, although it has been possible to engage in informed speculation about likely impacts. Supported by the Productivity Insights Network, we undertook econometric analysis looking at factors affecting turnover and productivity using SME Finance Monitor data from the early stages of the pandemic.
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August 2021
The UK Corporate Governance Code acknowledges the importance of diversity and the value to boards of having a range of different perspectives. We worked with the London Business School Leadership Institute to explore how diversity can influence board effectiveness and dynamics of FTSE 350 companies.
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