February 2022
The Achieve Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service covers Bolton, Salford, Trafford, and more recently, Bury. It aims to provide a dedicated service for anyone experiencing problems with drugs and/or alcohol into recovery. The partnership commissioned SQW to undertake an independent evaluation to explore how the partnership is functioning and the outcomes being achieved.
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January 2022
To support Further Education practitioners to deliver high quality maths and English qualifications, the Education and Training Foundation run a Maths and English CPD programme, funded by the Department for Education. SQW are delivering a theory informed evaluation that explores the process of implementation and the effects of the programme on both practitioners themselves and their organisations.
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January 2022
Any profession needs advanced practitioners who share their expertise with their colleagues to maintain high standards, and a research base to underpin good professional practice. SQW have been working with the Education and Training Foundation evaluate the experiences of participants on three of its programmes that support advanced practice and practitioner research.
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December 2021
The North of Tyne Devolution Deal agreed with HM Treasury included the creation of a 30 year, £600m Investment Fund. SQW has been commissioned by the North of Tyne Combined Authority to undertake an evaluation of the Fund to provide evidence to inform the first five year Gateway Review process undertaken by Government.
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October 2021
Health Education England have developed a pilot training programme for specialist mental health pharmacists. SQW has been commissioned by HEE to collate external independent data and provide insights from our analysis. We will be providing both formative and summative evaluative assessments on the educational process, the learning experience, its costs and benefits and any early effects on services.
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