Pioneer Campus 2040

The Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire hosts over 6,000 scientists, engineers and innovators across more than 200 public, private and academic organisations. In common with other single-site campuses across the world, it plays an important role in the process of research translation and catalysing economic growth.

Looking ahead to 2040, Harwell Campus commissioned SQW to complete a programme of independent research to inform a debate about the changing nature and role of these campuses. The question we were asked to consider was: “What can we learn about Pioneer Campus 2040 from the way key drivers of change are being navigated and addressed across eight campuses around the world?

Our research was framed around eight case study campuses: two from the UK, four from elsewhere in Europe (Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, France), with one each from Taiwan and Australia. Across each of the case studies, we reviewed relevant literature and other evidence. We also spoke  to owners/managers of the campuses and local/regional policy makers.

The report considers the development ‘story’ of the different campuses and how their future evolution might be influenced by changing global circumstances. The report then sets out a scenario for what a hypothetical ‘Pioneer Campus 2040’ might look like, some of the key risks to achieving this, and  implications for the dialogue between national and local government and those responsible for campus management.

The report was launched at the Campus 2040 Symposium held at Harwell Campus. It is available to read here.