Evaluation of the Integrated Personalised Commissioning Looked After Children Mental Health Programme

Client: Department of Health (now the Department of Health and Social Care)

Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) is a new approach to joining up health and social care, and other services where appropriate. In August 2017, the Department of Health (now the Department of Health and Social Care) commissioned an independent evaluation of the IPC Looked After Children Mental Health Programme.

The evaluation aimed to identify key lessons about the effectiveness of IPC schemes in different sites through examination of different approaches in different contexts, assessing progress against the five key shifts (elements) of IPC, comprising of proactive coordination of care, personalised care and support planning, community capacity and peer support, choice and control, and personalised commissioning and payment.

Two further organisations were commissioned to support the programme: In Control supported sites to use the POET tool to measure the outcomes for LAC, their carers/families and, to some extent, organisations/services; and NDTi is running action learning sets to help sites consider challenges and develop their responses. The evaluation utilised this data, alongside telephone interviews, workshops and a review of site and programme documents to inform a full assessment of the programme's performance and impact.