Evaluation evidence from SQW informs £100m funding decision by Government

In 2018, the North of Tyne Combined Authority (NTCA) was created through a Devolution Deal agreed with HM Treasury. A key element of the Deal was a 30 year, £600m Investment Fund with an annual value of £20m. To date, the NTCA has used the Investment Fund to support a wide range of interventions to help deliver against its locally defined policy priorities.

In common with other long-term devolved Investment Funds, the North of Tyne Investment Fund is subject to a five yearly Gateway Review by Government. SQW was commissioned by NTCA to provide independent evidence to inform this process. Our work involved evaluation research on the achieved/expected impacts of interventions supported by the Investment Fund, as well as a strategic assessment of the impact of the Fund on economic development capacity and partnership working across the North of Tyne area.

Our evaluation evidence was submitted to Government in late 2022, and in May 2023 it was announced that NTCA had passed its first Gateway Review. This decision unlocks the next £100m tranche of Investment Fund monies for NTCA to use in delivering against locally defined priorities over the next five years.

SQW is now supporting NTCA and 12 other local areas across the UK as they work towards the next stage in their respective Gateway Review processes.