SQW commissioned to evaluate the Health Foundation's Common Ambition programme

The Health Foundation has launched an exciting £2.6m programme for partnerships developing collaborative communities involving people, families, health care professionals and researchers working together to improve health care.

The Common Ambition programme will support four ambitious teams across the UK to work towards a shared aim: to build sustainable change across health care through collaboration between those who use services and those who deliver them. The partnerships will each run a project lasting 2-3 years from early 2021.

The projects focus on four very different areas of health care: improving health services for homeless people; reducing HIV health inequalities; putting people with inflammatory bowel disease in control of their care; and redesigning services for people with learning disabilities or autism.

National Voices and Rubis QI will provide support to the partnerships. SQW will undertake the national evaluation of the programme. This evaluation will capture shared learning from the partnerships, and generate understanding of how successful the programme has been in achieving its aims.

If you would like to know more about SQW’s evaluation of the Common Ambition programme, please contact Lauren Roberts, SQW Director, via lroberts@sqw.co.uk.

If you are interested in hearing more about the Health Foundation’s work in this area, please email common.ambition@health.org.uk or visit the website.