Evaluations of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Primary Care programmes

SQW have been commissioned to evaluate three Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Primary Care programmes. One is in Greater Manchester, one in the East Midlands and one in South Yorkshire. They are three of 12 IPSPC programmes funded by the Department for Work and Pensions as one strand of the Universal Support rollout. The three programmes are running from late 2023 until March 2025.

Our process and impact evaluations will generate learning around transferring the proven IPS model across to a new space and cohort where it is unproven. Our research will explore how well the programmes are working in partnership with local health services and the employment/health impacts achieved for with participants. Both evaluations with involve research with participants, delivery staff and stakeholders.

The Greater Manchester programme is one of six Working Well programmes SQW have evaluated or are evaluating for Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA). SQW are also now supporting GMCA to evaluate the new Working Well: Pioneers programme which uses a similar ‘place then train’ model, and is targeted at the economically inactive. The programme has been funded by the funded by the Department for Work and Pensions as an extension of the existing devolved Working Well: Work and Health Programme, as the second strand of the Universal Support rollout. Working Well: Pioneers launched in late 2023 and will run until June 2026.

For further details, please contact Graham Thom, SQW Director, via GThom@sqw.co.uk.