The UK Shared Prosperity Fund: local opportunities and challenges

The new Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) aims to support the UK government’s commitment to levelling-up all parts of the country. What is distinctive about the Fund, and what are the key opportunities and potential challenges for local places and partners as they look to develop their plans?

Joining SQW Director and podcast host Joe Duggett to discuss these issues are Richard Hindle and Ross Gill, two of SQW's experts in local and regional economic growth.

The podcast discusses the SPF’s similarities and differences to previous EU funding mechanisms, and highlights issues for local areas to consider in designing their Investment Plans, including:

  • Maximising the flexibility offered by the SPF
  • The importance of involving and engaging local partners including educational institutions, the business community and the voluntary sector
  • Considering what intervention is appropriate at different spatial scales, and opportunities to collaborate with neighbouring geographies
  • Viewing the SPF as one part of a wider funding mix, complementing, leveraging and aligning with other source of investment to deliver against local strategic priorities.